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Video Marketing

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Videos work as an SEO tool - Imagine the increase in likes, shares, and the flow of traffic onto your website. It also helps to create backlinks, keywords and tags, which can affect search rankings.

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Video Marketing

All brand name companies survive on some form of Video Marketing or another. While that notion is constant, what has evolved recently is the importance of Video Marketing and how it has become one of the main common sources of content seen on many social platforms.

Video Marketing is a critical marketing tool that is used for a wide range of functions that builds and promotes your company product brand. Since 2017, video content has represented more than 74% of internet traffic. This increase has signaled about 76.5% of small businesses to proactively take part in producing video content as well. Searchific is a system that understands the needs of such small businesses.

Their aim is to introduce the best and most suitable personalized marketing strategy that caters to their goals. So for enterprises who wish to dabble more in the current scene of Video Marketing, Searchfic can certainly cater to your needs.


Benefits Of Video Marketing


Video Marketing is a type of approach where the use of video production helps to promote and heighten your company’s product or service. It further increases traffic engagement as it is easily circulated using a variety of social media channels which can pleasantly expand audience reach.

Also, this type of approach is ideal for targeting a large mass audience and that makes it easy to understand why a marketing approach has skyrocketed in such a brief time compared to others, as seen in the graph below, based on a 2017 report.

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Video Marketing Benefits

There Are Many Benefits Of Video Marketing Some Of Those Benefits Include:

  • Better Audience Connection Most marketing strategies are designed with customers in mind for the content must reflect the needs of both the company and its customers. Having content that speaks to its customers allows for better communication and a stronger bond between the company and its audience.
  • Boost Retention Just as explained before, if your customers trust your brand then this can boost customer retention. Video content has the ability to retain audiences as what we see and hear has a 65% probability of being kept in memory for up to 3 days later.
  • Boost in Clicks-throughs A 2017 marketing study showed that emails with video attachments mentioned in the subject lines has a 19% probability of being opened and a 65% increase in click-throughs.
  • Videos work as an SEO tool Imagine the increase in likes, shares, and the flow of traffic onto your website. It also helps to create backlinks, keywords and tags, which can affect search rankings.

Types Of Videos

Brand Videos

It showcases the company’s ultimate mission as well as their given products and services. The aim is to help create product or brand awareness and intrigue among the target audience.

Event Videos

Although it is for larger campaigns, such videos are still useful to highlight occurrences, whether fundraisers, conferences or other types of discussions.

Demo Videos

These types of videos are for advertising purposes to help showcase your product to interested viewers.

Live Videos / Livestreams

These have become a popular choice as it gives the viewers a special feel than regular videos. These types of videos grant the audience a behind-the-scene approach that will urge viewers to engage more. Common channels like YouTube have become a known choice of media, allowing the audience to leave real-time comments, questions and responses.

There Are Several Different Types Of Videos That Can Be Used For Your Marketing Campaign.

With Video Marketing taking the world by force, systems like Searchfic are easily able to cater to companies’ needs with a variety of Video Marketing approaches, uniquely tailored to serve each companies’ demands.

Every client is not the same and Searchfic understands that and listens to your marketing woes and effectively and coherently fixes them.

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